Industries We Serve

Wide Range Of Expertise

Education Security

Never before in the history of this country has high-quality security protection of our schools’ be the number one priority for the continuation of our generations.

Hospitality Security

Security services in hospitality settings play a vital role in ensuring both staff and client safety. Protecting and preventing property damage and theft

House of Worship Security

Growing up going to church, synagogue, or mosque, you likely never saw or thought. In fact, places of worship have always been known as safe sanctuaries

Residential Security

Residential security carries a huge amount of responsibility and accountability. Many people depend on property managers for their safety and security

Event Security

Governmental facilities are always in need of high-quality security services. Whether it is a federal governmental institution that needs to abide by ISC standards

Corporate Security

Financial institutions needing sophisticated security system and protocols that work - need we explain this one? Although financial crimes are happening to such an extent...

Critical Infrastructure Security

Never before critical infrastructures have become such a primordial element of survival and reliability. Securing these facilities is of top priority for governments and corporations

Healthcare Security

Healthcare institutions such as hospitals from a public perspective are naturally safe, warm, and welcoming institutions where life-saving healthcare is provided

Retail Centers Security

What can Pulmus7 offer retail centers? We can offer smarter security systems, protocols, staff training, and if we feel necessary, security guards to survey activities within the store

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